Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Graduation ceremony

As part of the Study-Day, the  Graduation ceremony 2024 of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science will take place on Friday, July 19, 2024 at 5:00 pm in the lecture hall 0.004 in building Z6 on the campus Hubland Süd.

After the welcome by the Vice Dean, the greetings by the Dean and a short presentation by the Alumni Representatives, the graduates of the period May 2023 to April 2024 will receive their alumni certificates. Afterwards, the best graduates and the best doctorates of the faculty will be awarded. The ceremony will end with lectures by graduates.

Further programme information is available in the flyer(German).

Graduation ceremonies in previous years

Until 2019, the Graduate Celebration was held under the name Academic Celebration. Please also see the list of past Academic Celebrations.